A few months ago, a new term cropped up on Twitter to describe an all-too-common phenomenon at academic institutions: a dude wall. In science departments, these walls honor historical figures by portraying retired faculty, previous heads of an institution, or even just preeminent scientists in a field.
Altgeld Tower, home to the carillon bells that delight campus regulars and visitors alike, is closed for repairs for an undetermined length of time. The chimes are limited to an automated quarter-hour timekeeping function.
Brenda Andrews is Professor and Chair of the Banting & Best Department of Medical Research within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, where she holds the Charles H Best Chair in Medical Research.
Call it a case of history students determined to prevent history from repeating itself. Members of HIST 172/173 at Illinois, influenced by a class section on the Great Depression, recently organized a food drive that generated more than 300 lbs. of food to fight hunger in local areas.
The University of Illinois Library has launched a digital publishing initiative, the Illinois Open Publishing Network, with its first work – a new English translation of a memoir of Claude Monet.
Learn the language of the gods. Programming can control the new world and all the technological marvels in it. Learning to code can change how you look at the world and how you perceive the inner workings so many things around us.
The Introduction to Technology course will help expose you to the world of technology and all of the benefits it can bring. You will learn how to use MS Office and the Internet. Learn keyboarding skills and how to copy and paste text.